Photograph of Young Boy Smiling in Greyscale

For Children

At Orthodontic Health, we recommend the first orthodontic check-up for children at the age of 4 years, in order to detect any irregularities in the child’s bone and dental growth as early as possible. The Orthodontics for Children in our centres cover: Interceptive orthodontics, Orthopaedics, and Orthodontics at an early age.

Early Check up

  1. Orthodontists can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
  2. Key indicators that we look for: No space between the baby teeth at 4 years old, uneven upper or lower front teeth, set back upper or lower jaw, facial lengthening, teeth meeting the wrong way around (underbite), slack open mouth resting posture.
  3. Patient compliance is also a key part of our treatment programme, we achieve this with education and patience throughout the process.
  4. "Age matters, and the earlier the better. At Orthodontic Health, treatment you can start treatment from 4 years old. From the age of 8, treatment starts to become increasingly difficult and compromises can be necessary, especially for difficult situations."
  5. You will leave your initial appointment with a good understanding of the treatment and support from our specialised team.
Child Before Orthodontic Treatment: Age 7 years 6 months
Charlotte's Before Treatment: Age 7 years 6 months
Child After Orthodontic Treatment: Age 11 years 2 months
Charlotte After Treatment: Age 11 years 2 months

What is Orthotropics?

The science of influencing how faces develop. Crooked teeth are preventable! Education has the power to transform our children’s lives. For decades crooked teeth have been accepted as just bad luck – a genetic inevitability that often requires extractions and fixed braces. This is seen almost as a rite of passage for teenagers. This is not true, join the campaign “Prevent Crooked Teeth”. Using orthotropic treatment, it is possible to gain an upswing in facial form, effectively reversing the problems caused by our soft modern lifestyle. The aim is to gain space for; • the tongue (stop speech problems) • the airway (stop OSA and upper airway resistance syndrome) and • to allow ALL the teeth (including wisdom teeth) to algin naturally, as they did for our ancestors (pre modern lifestyles) and still do for all the other 5,400 species of mammals. The alternative would be wait. Most children growing up today are going to have orthodontics at some point in their lives, many two or more times. Orthodontics aims to force teeth into position, often teeth are extracted (sometimes even surgery), after which retainers are worn for EVER. Also, there is increasing awareness that such treatment can exacerbate obstructive sleep apnoea and TMJ disorders, leaving people with a lifetime of health problems.

Ideal if your child:

· Snores

· Breathes with their mouth open

· Has tongue tie or lip tie

· Grinds their teeth

· Has a gummy smile

· Has no space for their adult teeth

· Has a narrow upper jaw

· Shows signs of having ADHD


Did you know that there is a preventative alternative to Orthodontics?

We provide an alternative to conventional orthodontics, called Orthotropics. This focuses on enabling better facial development in order to allow teeth to grow and remain straight naturally. Please join the campaign ‘Prevent Crooked Teeth’

How does Orthotropics work?

Orthotropics focuses on a child’s oral posture and function to guide the growth of the face to create more space for airways and teeth.


Treatment started when she was just eight – years before any conventional treatment would have even been offered, even though the problem with her jaw was obvious. Sam | Mother of Alex
I would recommend orthotropics to anyone who wishes to improve not just the teeth but the whole bone structure of the face. Deidre | Mother of Samantha
My daughter started treatment here 3 years ago and what has been achieved is absolutely astonishing – I have never seen results like this in anyone before Jan Mashford
I am delighted with the highly-skilled and professional treatment my sons have received. Other treatments only offered extraction. This treatment has led to a full set of beautiful teeth. Elizabeth | Mother of Isaac And Edwin