Ideal if your child:
· Snores
· Breathes with their mouth open
· Has tongue tie or lip tie
· Grinds their teeth
· Has a gummy smile
· Has no space for their adult teeth
· Has a narrow upper jaw
· Shows signs of having ADHD
Did you know that there is a preventative alternative to Orthodontics?
Early interventions differ from traditional orthodontics in that it aims to address the root cause rather than the symptoms and provides a more holistic approach. It promotes growth of the jaw bones to achieve their full potential and reduces the risk of complex treatment later in life. It also promotes correct posture and function.
What causes crooked teeth?
The majority of children now have crooked teeth, which is evident from five years of age and is often attributed to hereditary factors. However, rather than blame genetics for crooked teeth and poor jaw development, modern research has produced evidence that points to other causes.
Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (known as incorrect myofunctional habits) are the real causes.
Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture also contribute to incorrect jaw development. Growing up, most of us have had one or more of these myofunctional problems, which may have been the cause of incorrect dental and facial development.